Sunday, January 22, 2006

Not a Good Day

Today, Chris has been restless all day. It started yesterday when she started having a sharp pain in her neck. She said it felt like she was paralyzed. She couldn't move it at all. The nurse was afraid it was a seizure since one of the chemotherapies she is taking has seizures as a possible side efffect. When it was ruled otherwise, they thought it might be an allergic reaction to one of her nausea medications. They took her off of that today and she still had the stiffness coupled with what we are calling "A touch of JC," which means she is feeling REALLY HYPER.
They found out it was a reaction to the Busulfan which is one of her chemos. They gave her some medicine and she it knocked out right now. Lastly she is starting to lose her sense of taste. The last couple of days she has done really well with eating a lot of food, but today she did not want "Cracker Barrel" and for those that know that is huge.

Now on the good news front she has received the last dose of chemo. She will have no more chemo administered and she will have a day of rest tomorrow. Tuesday morning she will receive the cord of blood and then it is a waiting game to see when they will graph with her body. Also we received information that less than 7% of all cord blood transplants are with a perfect match. So again I think that is just God showing off, that Chris is one of those blessed with a perfect match.

I know she loves reading all your comments and prayers so please keep them going, because like I said earlier there will be a lot of waiting from here on out.

till then end,


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