Monday, January 23, 2006

So Much for a Day of Rest

Not to sound so negative all the time, but this has by far been the worst day. Chris woke up with a bad case of cabin fever and it just made it worse when she realized she just got here. It has to do with the rooms being so small and that she can't leave this unit. (It is like the Pentagon. You have to walk through 5 doors with each door closing before the next one opens.) We know that is for her benefit and health, but it still doesn't make it feel better. She also had her first vomiting episode this afternoon. So she hasn't rested at all. All I can do is hold her and shut up because there is nothing I can say to get her what she wants which is to go outside and be with her kids and sleep in her bed.

On a lighter note she did want me to express to everyone that the next time Brother Bob says, "How many would rather be here than in the hospital?" that everyone of you should stand up and emphatically raise your hands.

She should be getting the cord of blood tomorrow at noon White House time. I will post again after the transplant. So if anyone wants to wish her a Happy Birthday tomorrow it would fit because from a medical standpoint it is like she is being reborn. "It's a good thing we live in Tennessee since I will be married to a minor." Talking about robbing the cradle. Okay I'm stopping now because I am making myself sick and Wes probably has interrupted everyone with laughter at his work.

Pray for peace, rest, healing and for the Haven and her being without parents right now.

till the end,


At 6:03 PM, Blogger Elaine said...

My sweet surrogate daughter and my optomistic surrogate son. I wish I could be there with you guys as you were with me and Dave's ups and downs. My prayers are for you daily to have the strength to be the witness for those who are praying for you. Sometimes its hard not to let the lowly human side not take over and put your trust in God. I know neither of you are super human, but with prayers of your family all over the world...I know God can give you the strength an courage to keep on keepin on. The kids an I pray for y'all and the girls...God is still in control and he can make it a Happy Birthday...


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