Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A Blessing and a Request

Everyone Chris wanted me to post for her because she just isn't feeling good enough to type. The good news yesterday is that her white count has moved up to 0.2. That might not seem like a lot, but it normally takes 18-22 days for the counts to move up and PRAISE GOD this happened on day 13.

Last night though her mother called me to let me know they had to put her on oxygen due to the mucous that is lining her throat and the Adavant they gave her. Her oxygen level was at 80% and so they had her on that until 3 this morning. Her mother also informed me that Christ threw up every hour last night reopening the sores that are lining her throat so she hasn't slept at all for the past 24 hours. Her mother did say they put some sort of patch on her to hopefully break the mucous up.

Chris does read these posts though and she has asked for people to pray again for rest and to praise God that her counts are starting to move in the right direction.

till the end,


At 6:49 PM, Blogger Ducklings said...

HURRAY!!! the counts are rising! Praise God and his Glorious work. Stay strong sweetie; I know you are probably exhausted and tired of feeling ill; but just think of how many wonderful days the Lord is preparing for you to see. We all will see you soon; and the hugs will be enormous. Feel better and know you are in my prayers.


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