Sunday, February 05, 2006

Today is Day 12

Well I'm almost half way to the 30 day mark. I have 3 more days to reach my goal mark of 15 days. That's when I hope my counts will start to go up.

The Countdown is:
3 to 18 days & 18 days to 30

Haven will tell me to keep praying for the 15 day goal because our ''GOD MIGHT ANSWER YES''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just like the Sunday she wanted me to come home from Centennial Hospital on a Monday. I told her maybe but the doctor said I wouldn't go home till Tuesday. She said that she can still pray for Monday and GOD might answer her. I said you can and that will be a nice surprise. When I got to come home that Monday she just looked at me and said, "See I told you prayer works." So who knows?

I know this sounds like a broken record, but my throat is still bad and so is my tongue. I can't eat still even though I want too REAL BAD. My fever is a 100.0 which is the highest it has been since I got here. They say my throat is basically covered in sores and mucous so it makes me gag, which hurts my throat more. The good news is this is supposed to last only another day or so and then hopefully I can eat a STEAK.

Thanks for the cards and care packages of books and interior decorating magazines.

Love ya'll and keep praying,


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