Wednesday, February 07, 2007


About 2 hours ago Chris started grabbing at her back and screaming a little about pain in her kidney area and her stomach. This is the first time that she has said she hurt and asked for morphine. The hospice nurse has given her a couple of morphine tablets already. She is going through shaking and sweating phases. The nurse also gave me some uncomfortable news that one of the nurse's fears is that since Chris' platelets are so low and she is starting to show signs of bleeding in the stomach that she will projectile all of her blood. That's not the visual you'd like to hear, but I ask that everyone pray that does not occur and that her pain will subside. The nurse also said this is the start of the end, and that she probably has two days tops. My selfish side wants her here as long as possible, but not at the expense of her going through this pain. So I ask that you pray for that, you pray for Haven who kissed her mom and let her know she loved her, and that Chris' fingerprints will continue to reveal themselves over more people's lives in the future.

till the end,


At 12:41 PM, Blogger Judy said...

Still standing with you in prayer. I've been in your shoes. I lost my husband to cancer. I am totally relating to you at this time. The Lord is with you, continue to hold tight in his grip.

At 12:56 PM, Blogger Sarah Wolfe said...

There are just no words, JC. We are praying continually for you all. Praying specifically for only good things to be happening when the girls are there. Praying strength for you. Praying peace and ease for Chris.

Please, anything you need, let us know.

Sarah & Steve

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Ducklings said...

My words are at a loss at this point JC. Just know my heart goes out to you, I pray for peace, I pray for special moments, I pray for your children to cherish the time they have had, and the memories be everlasting. My love is with you all.
Alana & kids

At 1:06 PM, Blogger Linnea said...

You don't know me, but I want you to know that my family is praying for yours.

At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Chris & J.C.
Just wanted to let you know that the takeheartnow prayer group of appox.70 will be praying for you today and thru the night. Our pastor will be praying for you also. The group consists of some from Germany,Phillipines,Mexico,& all the other states.
The blog was sent to us from one of your associates at work who cares about you all very much.
As you read the words of our I.D.
"takeheartnow" I hope you will Take heart now, & realize the love of Jesus is with you. There is no other greater love than His.
Since we can't be where you are,
We will send this little prayer!
"SMILE" I sent one about an hour ago, and didn't show up on the Blog, but maybe you could feel the blessings coming down upon you at that time, so I'm not giving up.
I will send this little short prayer again!
Lord, we give you PRAISE for who you are, You are the Greatest.
We come before to pray for Chris and J.C. that you send Peace and strength like they have never known before. Guide their steps, and give them comfort from above.
Let your Spirit sweep thru their home. We know You can do the impossible, because you are our Almighty God. God bless Haven, in a mighty way, and give her words to speak to her mother. Let everythnig done in YOUR WILL!
We ask all this in your name,Jesus!

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Capt. Phil said...

We just wanted you to know that your family is in our prayers, and will continue to be. While we just know you in passing I want you to know how much you and Chris have touched our lives in how you have been so trusting in our Lord. Having lost my first wife years ago I know a little of what you are going through.
Your strength and faith in God has been such an inspiration to me.
I hope that you, Chris, and the kids can be very proud of how you have touched so many people in your walk with the Lord.

Phil and Belinda

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Liz said...

JC, This is Alana's Mom.....I just wanted you to know you are in my prayers. May you,your girls, and Chris cherish all these special moments ahead. God Bless you All


At 1:45 PM, Blogger Kim Mitchell said...

I love you and pray for the pain to be taken!!
I pray for you, Sandy, and Frances to have to strength to be there with Chris during this VERY difficult time. I pray for comfort and peace. I pray God will show you his love now more than ever! I pray you all feel his loving arms around each one of you in a very comforting way!! I pray God will give Haven an understanding and a sweet peace about all of this.
Love you all!!

At 1:50 PM, Blogger Michelle Mercer said...

The Bible says it best. I came across this today in Deut 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
The Lord's promise to you and Chris will never change. This you can lean on.
In Him...

At 2:32 PM, Blogger toni said...

We love you Chris and JC, you are both amazing. We are hear anytime you need us. We are so sorry to hear that Chris is not doing well today. Stay strong in the Lord, He is your strenth. We will continue to pray for peace for Chris, JC, Sandy, Frances, the girls and the rest of the family. We love you all very much.

Toni and Scott

At 2:32 PM, Blogger Dusty said...

JC, I am standing with you and Chris in prayer. May you continue to feel the loving arms of our heavenly Father about you and your family.

Father, give them strength.

At 3:40 PM, Blogger jrracegirl said...

You are in a much better place.


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