Thursday, February 08, 2007

10/01/73 - 02/07/07


At 6:50 AM, Blogger Ducklings said...

Thank God for giving us a precious woman to call our friend, your wife, and two adoreable girls mother. She was an awesome woman JC. And she will stay with us forever, until we all can meet again. I love you all.

Alana & kids

At 10:25 AM, Blogger christy bracey said...

My heart aches for you, the girls, and your families. I know that you take some comfort in knowing that she is no longer suffering and that she is with Jesus. She was a beautiful and strong woman and will be missed. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you in this time of healing...
Bradley and Christy

At 1:32 PM, Blogger Michelle Mercer said...

I never had the pleasure of meeting Chris but we are sisters in Christ and I look forward to meeting her one day in Heaven.
God Bless you, JC. We will continue to pray for you and your girls.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Just Happy 2 b GOD's said...

I'm praising GOD for your strength in HIM! My heart breaks for your family... yet I praise GOD that you and your precious daughters have the knowledge that there will be a wonderful reunion some sweet day!

My heart breaks for you, but mostly for your two baby girls who may not fully understand yet. Know that through my life's journey and the precious moments with my baby girl, I will pause to remember your family; to pray for you, your strength and your faith... that you can have those private moments that you will need to shed your own tears, that you can be the loving sheltering arms for your daughters when they need to shed theirs; that they (and you as well) will always feel and know the love that Chris has for the three of you...

May GOD wrap your family in HIS loving arms during this time of seperation.

DB - (Sarah's Friend)

At 4:47 PM, Blogger Niki said...

JC and girls,

Our hearts are weeping for you all.

May the new path God has placed you on with each step that there is peace. May your prayer of His puzzle for your life become clearer with each passing day.
And may you all continue to find comfort in Him.

But I earnestly pray that you all are wrapped in His arms and a hedge of protection be placed around you in this time of grief.

We love you,
Doug, Niki and kids

At 8:08 AM, Blogger jrandtj2 said...

JC, I have never actually had the opportunity to meet you or Chris; but I have prayed for your family often. I received updates via email from one of my friends in Greenwood, SC. I am so sorry for your loss & my heart grieves for you. I know that you and your girls will miss her greatly; I pray that God will give you the peace that you need and that he will comfort you in the days ahead. You have two beautiful little girls that are sure to be beautiful reminders to you every day of the love that you and Chris shared.
Because of and For HIM,


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